Reasons to Adopt Digital Signatures for Your Paperless Office

With the advancement of technology and penetration of the internet to all corners of the globe, the conventional methods of correspondence are changing fast. The days of typing and printing and sending mails through courier have changed, and people are corresponding online. Offices are going paperless. But, unless there is a valid signature, almost all documents have no legal value. Therefore, digital signatures are becoming popular, and many licensed agencies are providing digital certificate services to get digital signatures by individuals and organizations.

digital signature


More Reasons for Adopting Digital Signatures 


Offices are changing their mode of written communications. They are using digital signatures on the online documents to give them legal validity.


  • Better management of files

Unlike earlier days, when one used to search for a particular document from heaps of files and papers, online documents are easy to search and can be immediately communicated to others. With digital signatures on them, they are at par with hard copies and have legal validity.

  • Financial savings

As the use of paper is almost nil to forward or keep a backup of correspondences, any office can reduce the inventory expenses to a much extent. Thus organizations can save more on the operative part of their business and channelize the saved funds to other areas of interest.

  • Saving the environment and reducing pollution

We all know that the source of paper is wood. With more use of paper, we cut more trees, and it affects the environment. Moreover, the carbon footprints from the paper mills reduce drastically with less use of paper. Thus, digital signatures are helping to reduce pollution and balance the environment.

  • Other organizations going digital

Many government organizations have gone digital. From purchasing anything through tenders, submitting tenders, issuing a purchase order, or accepting bank guarantees, all are done in online mode and accepted if they have digital signatures on them. More and more organizations realize that having a digital certificate and signature can only allow working smoothly.

  • Increasing volume of foreign trade

The markets are no more domestic. Computers and the internet have opened the global market for all organizations willing to expand their activities. However, much of the correspondence is through emails, including issuing the letter of credit. Therefore, organizations are applying and using the dgft digital signature class according to their eligibility.

  • Ease of doing business

For the last one and half years, the world is fighting the pandemic. The culture of working remotely or work from home is getting priority in most of the sectors. Therefore, a digital signature helps give legal status to the documents that otherwise need ink signatures. It is the era of paperless working. The ease of doing business has increased many folds fighting all odds to reach the workplace.


It is best to convert your office paperless and sign all documents digitally to make them legal correspondences. Save on the cost of papers and increase the ease of doing business working online in a lawful manner. It is best to stay with time and win the race than to be laggards.

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